12 steps of aa
Alcoholics Anonymous is a global fellowship of people who have suffered drinking issues. Itthis organization which is nonprofit self-dependent, self-supporting. this organization put 12 steps to help people get rid of alcoholism WHAT IS 12 STEPS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS A.A.’s these stps are basic principles to follow and have spirituality in their nature, people can practice these principles as a way of living, can in order to get rid of obsession to drinking alcohol and help the sufferers to be happy and useful whole. 12 OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1. The admission we were powerless over alcohol and that made our lives become unmanageable. 2. We believe that a Power greater than us could help us restore sanity. 3. A decision to change our will and lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6....